Ying Yang


    Tension or pain between the shoulder blades is often a sign of subluxation ("pinched nerves") in the thoracic portion of the spine. These thoracic subluxations have recently attracted the attention of the scientific community.

    A number of chiropractic clinical studies have linked thoracic pain or tension to difficulty in taking a deep breath. When chiropractic adjustments are administered, breathing is often eased.1,2,3

    Australian researchers found that chronic indigestion is often relieved among chiropractic patients seeking help for mid-back pain. In many cases, these patients never mentioned indigestion or heartburn to their doctors of chiropractic - their improved digestive health was an unexpected "side-benefit".4

    Nerve irritation in the upper back can be more than just a source of pain and tension. These thoracic subluxations can prevent you from experiencing optimum health. As many patients have found out, chiropractic adjustments often bring unexpected health benefits.

1 Bachman TR, Lantz CA. Management of Pediatric Asthma and Enuresis with Probable Traumatic Etiology. Proceedings of the National Conference on Chiropractic and Pediatrics (ICA), 1991: 14 - 22.

2 Masarsky CS, Weber M. Chiropractic Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 1988; 11: 505 - 510.

3 Masarsky CS, Weber M. Somatic Dyspnea and the Orthopedics of Respiration. Chiropractic Technique 1991; 3: 26 - 29.

4 Bryner P, Staerker PG. Indigestion and Heartburn: Prevalence in Persons Seeking Care from Chiropractors. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 1996; 19.

© 1996, All Rights Reserved.
Marion Todres, M.A., D.C. and Charles Masarsky, D.C.

Copyright © Vienna Chiropractic Associates, P.C.  All Rights Reserved.